ELA Literacy
English Language Arts (ELA) Literacy is an intensive intervention class designed for students who have a multi-year trend of being more than two years below grade level in reading and who have demonstrated eligibility for the course based on targeted assessments. The goal of ELA Literacy is to accelerate student learning for the purpose of being able to exit the course and to be successful with grade-level ELA and literacy standards in all content areas. This class provides students with opportunities to remediate foundational literacy skills via an engaging technology component that addresses a student's individual needs and learning pace. Additionally, whole class and small group instruction is provided in a scaffolded manner anchored in the ELA Common Core State Standards.
The curriculum used has two levels. Level 1 focuses on the foundational skills that students may have missed in their earlier reading instruction and enables students to practice critical skills such as basic decoding and spelling. Level 2 enables students to hone the important literacy skills they need to not only become fluent readers, but comprehending readers. Syllable types, prefixes and suffixes, and Greek and Latin roots are critical components of Level 2. Both levels include rich comprehension, language, vocabulary, and writing components implemented through teacher-directed lessons, exposing students to complex text and collaborative discussions. Within each level there are two components—Word Training and Text Training. The Word Training component of the program includes instruction critical to help students learn to read. The Text Training component of the program includes the instruction critical to help students comprehend what they read and write. Both components work together to provide a full English Language Arts program. This course meets English graduation requirements.
Students will alternate between online instruction and teacher directed instruction.