What is PBIS?
What is PBIS?![]()
What is PBIS?
PBIS is a systems approach for establishing the social culture needed for a school to be an effective learning environment for ALL students.
PBIS helps schools focus on the social emotional needs of students, increase student engagement and create a supportive, caring environment.
It emphasizes school-wide systems of support that include proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors.
PBIS provides a structure to assist us in our response to meet the needs of our diverse student population.
Evidence- Based Features of PBIS
- Prevention
- Define and teach positive social expectations
- Acknowledge positive behavior
- Consistent consequences for problem behavior
- On-going collection and use of data for decision making
- Continuum of intensive, individual interventions and supports
- Implementation of the systems that support effective practices
3 Be’s at KAMS
PBIS is designed to help create an environment to prevent the development and occurrence of problem behaviors, and more importantly, to teach and encourage positive social skills and behaviors to students.
The staff at Katherine Albiani understands the need for a safe and positive learning environment. At Katherine Albiani, student expectations for behavior are categorized under our three school expectations: Be Safe. Be Respectful. Be Responsible.
Our students are given explicit instructions and lessons on how to follow school rules in order to help them practice the skills necessary to Be Their Best and to be successful students and citizens at Katherine Albiani Middle School.
Expected Student Behavior
What are the responsibilities of the staff at Katherine Albiani in regards to PBIS implementation?
Staff member teach classroom and school wide campus expectations. Teachers verbally acknowledge students who are demonstrating positive behaviors rather than focusing on undesirable actions. This creates a school climate where students are Safe, Respectful, and Responsible.
Be Safe means….
“I keep my hands, feet, and objects to myself. I follow routines and procedures.”
Be Respectful means…
“I use volume and language that is appropriate to the setting. I respect all students, adults on campus and property.
Be Responsible means…
I am accountable for my actions academically and socially. I strive to be my best self at school.
PBIS Curriculum & Implementation
Is PBIS a curriculum?
PBIS is not a curriculum, but a process of planning and problem solving that includes direct teaching of social behaviors similar to how we teach academics. The basic PBIS approach is to use proactive, research-based strategies to teach clearly defined behavior expectations. Most importantly, it establishes ongoing behavior supports that can be used by ALL students, staff, volunteers, parents and community members.
Why do School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) work?
Research shows that when a school environment is positive and predictable, students feel safer, have better academic performance and higher test results, and make better behavior choices.
Schools also show a gain in instructional time, a reduction in out-of-school suspensions and discipline referrals, and a decrease in referrals to special education. In addition, PBIS provides us guidance in teaching desired behaviors, recognizing and rewarding desired behaviors, and developing the progression of interventions for behavior infractions.
Katherine Albiani PBIS Approach
Falcon Feathers
Falcon Feathers are given to students who are demonstrating our KAMS school wide expectations: Be Safe. Be Respectful. Be Responsible. Falcon Feathers are given to students by staff to recognize specific behaviors and positive attitudes. Students fill out their Falcon Feather and put it in the Falcon Nest. Falcon Feathers are pulled on the Jimmy Falcon show and students receive school wide praise and a prize for their outstanding behavior. Check out our weekly show on KAMS TV.
Student of the Month
Each month a theme is selected to reward students who are exhibiting a positive behavior or school wide expectation. For example, teachers nominate a student who is being Respectful. Students receive a certificate and are invited to our student of the month celebration.
Good News Postcards
Teachers and staff members send “personal shout outs” to the families of students who are exemplary Falcons.
#mystory & #caughtbeingkind
Teachers can nominate students who want to share a unique talent, interest, or an act of kindness. Students are featured on a segment #mystory on KAMS TV.